130 East 80th Street
New York, New York
November 7, 2007

THE NEW YORK JUNIOR LEAGUE’S 36th ANNUAL GOLDEN TREE HOLIDAY SHOPPING FAIR at The New York Junior League Headquarters for Training and Leadership

November 9, 2007

THE NEW YORK JUNIOR LEAGUE HOSTS 'NYJL ZONE" at The New York Junior League Headquarters for Training and Leadership

December 20, 2007

Celebrate The Season And Help To Erase Domestic Violence At The New York Junior League’s Winter Wonderland at The New York Junior League Headquarters for Training and Leadership

December 4, 2008

The New York Junior League's Golden Tree Holiday Bazaar: Thursday Evening at The New York Junior League Headquarters for Training and Leadership

December 5, 2008

New York Junior League's Golden Tree Holiday Bazaar: Friday Evening at The New York Junior League Headquarters for Training and Leadership

December 5, 2008

New York Junior League's Golden Tree Holiday Bazaar: Friday Shopping at The New York Junior League Headquarters for Training and Leadership

December 6, 2008

New York Junior League's Golden Tree Holiday Bazaar: Saturday at The New York Junior League Headquarters for Training and Leadership

May 2, 2009

The New York Junior League's 14th Annual Spring House Tour at The New York Junior League Headquarters for Training and Leadership

May 19, 2009

New York Junior League’s Conference On Nonprofit Education: “volunteerism: Maximizing Your Volunteer Culture” at The New York Junior League Headquarters for Training and Leadership

May 28, 2009

THE NEW YORK JUNIOR LEAGUE'S FIRST ANNUAL “BABES, BAGS & BUBBLES” HANDBAG AUCTION at The New York Junior League Headquarters for Training and Leadership