The Archives
January 17, 2010
2010 King Holiday: "FEEL THE MOVEMENT" Ecumenical Tribute
at Hunt Memorial Cathedral of Faith- HMC
January 19, 2010
King Holiday/Obama 1-Year Anniversary Salute: FEEL THE MOVEMENT
at Mosaic Templars Cultural Center
April 3, 2010
National Day of Prayer Resurrection Praise Celebration...Tim Rogers and The Fellas
at Hunt Memorial Cathedral of Faith- HMC
August 28, 2010
Feel the Movement: From Prophecy to Promise...SCLC March on Washington/Katrina 5 Dreams Tribute
at Mahalia Jackson Theater of the Performing Arts
October 14, 2010
The Art of Creativity: 2010 Arkansas Business, Education and Creative Economy Conference
at Arkansas Northeastern College, Blytheville, AR
January 16, 2011
2011 MLK Holiday: "Supreme Day of Prayer" Feel The Movement: From Prophecy to Promise Documentary Filming
at Madame Walker Theater Center
October 16, 2011
October 16: Dr. MLK Memorial Dedication- Great Day of the Dreamers Edutainment Bus Tour and Spiritual Journey
at National Mall
January 15, 2012
UNDIVIDED- MLK Holiday: "The Next 25 Years and Beyond" Tribute and Reception
at Hunt Memorial Cathedral of Faith
January 20, 2013
MLK 2013: The Holy Day of Inauguration- Honor to the Prophet and The President
at Arkansas State Capitol