225 Walnut
Dumas,, Arkansas 71639

What better time than the 83rd Birthday Anniversary of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and YES- this year it is a Sunday- than to think on and engage the words of Christ- Jesus said- A house/kingdom/nation divided against itself- CANNOT STAND- The only way to achieve success in the Kingdom of God is to adhere to this teaching. The Declaration and Mandate from our God to our Families-Churches-Nation and World as we approach the next 25 years of the Federal Holiday honoring his Prophet, The Rev. Dr. MLK JR, is- UNDIVIDED- Let's all declare, do so and forever remain...

The National Salute
Monday, January 16, 2012- 11am-12noon in each U.S. Time Zone

During the 11 o’clock hour in each time zone, the nation will be “UNDIVIDED.” Dr. King notated that on Sunday mornings this was the most segregated hour of the week. BUT NO LONGER!

THE CHANGE HAS COME- This year, millions will engage in- “Prayers of Thanksgiving to God for the Pioneer Keepers of the Faith… Prayers for Today’s Keepers of the Faith… and Prayers of Unity, Oneness and Love for the Next Generation of Dreamers, Visionaries and Innovators.” ON THIS DAY- We launch “UNDIVIDED” and we will continue to be so- not only on his day but in perpetual engagement.

Details announced at www.feelthemovement.net on Monday, January 9, 5pm

Added by thecreativeeconomy on December 22, 2011

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