The Archives
March 31, 2007
Wanderlust: A Matador Party!
at 111 Minna Gallery
March 31, 2007
Bassnectar Record Release Party
at DNA Lounge
April 30, 2007
Scrum Master Certification
at Hilton Garden Inn
May 3, 2007
Online Community Business Forum
at MacArthur Place Hotel
May 29, 2007
mesh 2007
at MaRS
May 29, 2007
Where 2.0 Conference 2007
at Fairmont San Jose
May 31, 2007
SoCalled @ Saint-Viateur Street Festival
at Various venues
June 6, 2007
at La Quincaillerie
June 12, 2007
Montreal Technology Entrepreneurs Breakfast Meetup
at Bistro, Etc.
June 14, 2007
Les 24 heures Flickr à Paris
at Gallery Wanted
June 22, 2007
Les 24 heures Flickr à Montreal
at Société des Arts Technologiques (SAT)
July 24, 2007
DemoCamp Montreal 3
at Société des Arts Technologiques (SAT)
July 31, 2007
at Montreal
August 4, 2007
BBQ PHP Quebec
at Parc du Mont Royal
August 14, 2007
Montreal Technology Entrepreneurs Breakfast Meetup
at Bistro, Etc.
September 7, 2007
Osheaga Festival
at Parc Jean-Drapeau
September 12, 2007
Réunion Île Sans Fil Meeting
at Le Drugstore
September 12, 2007
Montreal Technology Entrepreneurs Breakfast Meetup
at Bistro, Etc.
September 17, 2007
DemoCamp 14
at Toronto Board of Trade - Downtown Club
September 22, 2007
Photo Safari Montréal-Quartier de Montréal-Mile End/Outremont
at Starbuck Park & Laurier
October 3, 2007
POP Montreal
at Le National
October 18, 2007
24 hours of Flickr, New York
at Cedar Lake Dance
October 23, 2007
Flickr no Brasil / Flickr in Brazil
at Brazilian Museum of Sculpture and Arts
November 1, 2007
PHP Quebec - Montreal
at ETS
January 23, 2008
Startup Camp Montreal
at Société des Arts Technologiques (SAT)
January 23, 2008
Réunion Ile Sans Fil Mercredi le 23 janvier
at Resto-Bar la Maisonnée
March 15, 2008
Flickr Turns 4!
at 111 Minna Gallery
March 22, 2008
Samedi pour codeurs - Coder's Saturday
at Station-C
April 16, 2008
La Grande Valse des Donuts - Flickr Donut Day !
at Coffee Union
April 16, 2008
The Great Flickr Donut Giveaway! - Day of the Donut
at Bob's Donut & Pastry Shop
April 24, 2008
Netvibes Party
at 111 Minna Gallery
April 29, 2008
2008 Massive Technology Show
at Metro Toronto Convention Centre
April 29, 2008
StartupCamp Toronto 2
at The Carlu
April 30, 2008
Toronto: A City Becoming - Photographs by Michael Awad, Scott Johnston and David Kaufman
at David Mirvish Books
April 30, 2008
Entrepreneurship 101 - Science and business do mix
at MaRS Auditorium
May 1, 2008
Toronto Singles Professional & Business Networking Event
at Meet Market Adventures
May 1, 2008
Paul Till : exhibition opening
at Industrial Storm
May 15, 2008
SearchMonkey Developer Launch Party - Yahoo! Search
at Yahoo!
May 21, 2008
NASA @ the Brickhouse Presents: Open Source 3D Visualization with NASA World Wind
at Yahoo Brickhouse
June 5, 2008
Luminato Festival 2008
at Various Locations
June 17, 2008
at Gallery Bar
June 21, 2008
Social Technology Training in Toronto
at MaRS Centre
July 5, 2008
"Awakenings" Spirituality Workshop
at Happy Tree Yoga
July 9, 2008
Soirée Pecha Kucha Night Montreal #6
at Société des Arts Technologiques (SAT)
July 10, 2008
Yahoo! Search - Soirée des développeurs SearchMonkey
at La Cantine - Coworking Paris
July 19, 2008
Photo Safari Montreal-Évolution et transformation
at Marché Atwater
July 26, 2008
2008 Montreal Gay Pride - Diver/Cite
at Various venues
August 2, 2008
Photo Safari Montreal-Sur le flan Sud du Mont-Royal
at Second Cup-Alexi Nihon
August 8, 2008
Celebrating Flickr 888 in Toronto (another 24 hours of Flickr)
at C'est What
August 8, 2008
AykutEvents and Vishal Gurbuxani Present - The Magical 8.8.8
at Ana Mandara
August 8, 2008
Trinumeral 888
at Deerfields
August 8, 2008
Flickr 888 (Another 24 hours of Flickr)
at Worldwide
August 15, 2008
Photo Safari Montréal-Frontenac convoque Maisonneuve
at Chateau Frontenac
September 12, 2008
Photo Safari Montreal-La grande récolte
at Caffè Epoca
September 15, 2008
Web 2.0 Expo NY
at Javits Convention Center
May 9, 2009
Flickr Turns 5.25
at 111 Minna Gallery
January 26, 2010
Yulbiz Montréal janvier 2010, le grand retour
at Café MÉLIÈS
May 7, 2010
ReadWriteWeb Mobile Summit 2010!
at Computer History Museum