AgileEvolution and Enthiosys are pleased to present an extended, three-day course devoted to providing you the pinnacle experience in Certified Scrum Training. The additional third day will allow the time necessary to help you understand the basics of effective product management in an agile/scrum environment. Producing 'potentially shippable product' in a 30-day cycle puts enormous strain on an organization. Connecting silos of skill workers into cross-functional teams has its challenges as well. Learn the most effective ways to bring the business needs and developers' solutions together to create the right product the first time!
This course will help you understand through lecture, exercises and role-play exactly why the ScrumMaster role is so critical to a successful Scrum adoption. Additionally, you will learn how the Product Manager transitions from what's traditionally an external-facing role to learning to work with the delivery team. Moreover, we'll give you real-world examples of backlogs, planning sessions, and ideas we've gathered along the way throughout our practice and experience.
About Agile Evolution & Enthiosys, Inc.:
Stacia Broderick an Agile coach and Certified Scrum Trainer with Agile Evolution and Luke Hohmann an Agile Product Management expert with Enthiosys, Inc, have teamed up to offer this unique 3-day Certified Scrum Master Training course.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on April 5, 2007