701 First Avenue
Sunnyvale, California CA

Let’s Party! SearchMonkey Style

If you’re a web developer, come party with us at the SearchMonkey Developer Launch Party. We’ll be doing live demos, sharing schwag, and serving substantial amounts of free food and beer*!

SearchMonkey allows developers and site owners to use semantic web standards and structured data to enhance Yahoo! Search results and make them more useful, relevant, and visually appealing. Come meet the guys who created the product, and feel free to monkey around with them as you wish.

* If you plan to consume alcohol at our party, please bring your photo ID.

RSVP: Please send your full name and company name to searchmonkeyevent@yahoo-inc.com (needed for security badges).

Hope to see you there!

Official Website: http://developer.yahoo.com/searchmonkey/event.html

Added by SearchMonkey Event on April 18, 2008



Is this event on Wednesday or Thursday
The description says May 15th (Wed) but May 15th is a Thursday?

SearchMonkey Event

The event will be held on 5/15 Thursday. Thanks Greg!


How do I go about watching the event?
I have signed up " I'm Watching" and haven't been provided a URL or telephone number.

Thank you


looking forward to it


I know there is alcohol, but is this a 21+ event?

SearchMonkey Event

It is not a 21+ event. However, we will need to check your photo ID and give you a wristband before you can get any alcohol :)


What about significant others (who aren't web developers)? Do they need to be registered, seperatly?

Interested 286