The Archives
October 31, 2007
Amazon's Anatomy: Launching & running startups on Amazon's Web Services
at Hurricane Electric Building Two "The Matrix"
January 16, 2008
Lunch 2.0 @ Citrix
at Citrix
January 17, 2008
Lunch 2.0 @ e-Storm International SF
at e-Storm International
March 25, 2008
Hadoop Summit
at Network Meeting Center
April 19, 2008
at Socialtext Coworking
May 15, 2008
SearchMonkey Developer Launch Party - Yahoo! Search
at Yahoo!
May 21, 2008
Lunch 2.0 - BNET Speaker Series with Mary Jo Foley
at CNET Networks
June 24, 2008
CloudCamp San Francisco
at Microsoft San Francisco Office