Come join us for an afternoon of self-exploration and all the greatness that is available to you ...
Schedule - July 5, 2008:
2:00 - 2:15 pm Registration
2:15 – 3:45 pm Synchronicity High-Tech Meditation
3:45 – 4:00 pm Break / Registration for second workshop
4:00 – 5:30 pm Energize your life!
* Les ateliers seront présentés en anglais mais les questions en français seront les bienvenues (avec réponse en français).
Synchronicity High-Tech Meditation
Synchronicity High-Tech Meditation is a powerful technique that combines the knowledge of the great wisdom traditions with the cutting edge of modern technology. It does not include a belief system, and there are no rituals or cultural conformities involved. Your unique individuality is treasured and honoured.
Energize Your Life !
You are a vibrational being, living in a vibrational universe. Abraham-Hicks calls this "the secret behind The Secret." There is an invisible web of Universal Energy and Consciousness, which has been called "the divine matrix," that connects all life on this planet and beyond. Through step-by-step practical techniques and a unique hands-on approach, Nicole will show you how to tap into this infinite supply of energy and truly energize and heal all aspects of your life.
Both workshops:
$30 Online registration (+ $1.50 PayPal service charge) until Friday, July 4 at midnight
$35 Registration at door
One workshop only:
$20 Registration at door only
Please visit for more details and to register. Receipts for tax purposes will be available upon request at the door.
** Limited spots available **
Official Website:
Added by silly_sally8 on June 26, 2008