The Archives
September 10, 2007
CODEPINK Breakfast with Petraeus
at Mel's Drive-In Restaurant
October 5, 2007
at El Rio
October 27, 2007
Join CODEPINK on October 27th in San Francisco
at Civic Center Plaza
December 31, 2007
Imagine Peace 2008
at The Wax Museum at Fisherman's Wharf
March 10, 2008
Create a real "Green Zone" in Berkeley: Join CODEPINK as we Green over the Berkeley Recruiting Station
at Marine Recruiting Station
June 22, 2008
US Peace Movement Salutes US Mayors
at Wall Flower Gallery
July 31, 2008
Volunteer for women's peace group, CODEPINK
at Venue to be announced
August 2, 2008
CODEPINK Meet and Greet
at In the Heart of the Beast puppet and mask theatre
September 25, 2008
CANCELED: Give V.P. Sarah Palin A Bay Area Welcome!
at Santa Clara Convention Center
November 13, 2008
The Pink & Green Party!
at Medjool - Sky Terrace
December 20, 2008
Iran Delegation Presentation & Holiday Potluck!
at Global Exchange
February 27, 2009
International Women's Day 2009 Fundraiser for the Women of Gaza
at The Pink House
August 23, 2009
Dialogues Against Militarism ~ Ice Cream Social Fundraiser
at Intersection for the Arts
December 27, 2009
SF: Gaza Freedom March Union Square & Golden Gate Bridge
at Union Square
January 27, 2010
People's State of the Union Party
at Tommy's Joynt
May 18, 2010
Protest General Atomics, Makers of Predator & Reaper Drones
at First Church of the Brethen
June 15, 2010
CODEPINK Peace Pie Cookbook Launch Party
at Mission Pie
July 23, 2010
Arrest the War Criminals Friday Night Ladies Poker Party!
at Morac Restaurant & Lounge
September 22, 2010
Inside Pakistan and Palestine: Viewpoints from Humanitarian Workers
at First Unitarian Universalist Church and Center
October 24, 2010
Unmaking War, Remaking Men ~ San Francisco Book Launch
at Womens Building
June 26, 2012
Rally Against Torture, Guantanamo & NDAA
at Market and Powell
November 12, 2012
Pakistan Peace Delegation Report Back
at War Memorial Veterans Building
March 8, 2013
CODEPINK Free Hugs! Arms are for Hugging action against gun violence!
at High Bridge Arms Gun Store
March 21, 2013
Vigil for the Victims of Drone Attacks
at San Francisco Ferry Building