2165 Lombard Street
San Francisco, California

Breakfast with Petraeus
Monday September 10th 9:15am
Mel's Drive-In Restaurant
2165 Lombard Street (between Fillmore and Steiner Sts)
San Francisco
Public Transport: Muni lines 28, 43, 76
Parking: Free

A critical moment in Congress comes this Monday when General Petraeus testifies before the House Armed Services Committee. It is important for there to be a strong showing of opposition to the Iraq occupation. Let's not let the Bush administration and their supporters in Congress repackage and resell the occupation of Iraq. We must say: We are not buying more war. There is no military solution. Bring the troops home!

Join CODEPINK for breakfast at Mel's Drive-In Restaurant in the Marina District of San Francisco as we watch the testimony on CSPAN. We'll watch, write up the lies on a Tally Sheet as they go along, take note of how the various members of Congress respond, especially local guy, Tom "Chair of House Foreign Relations" Lantos, play "Buzzword Bingo". We'll also enjoy a delicious late breakfast/coffee break/early lunch.

For info email peace@globalexchange.org

Official Website: http://www.codepinkalert.org

Added by CODEPINK-SF on September 8, 2007

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