1187 Franklin Street (@ Geary Blvd)
San Francisco, California 1187 Frank

Inside Pakistan and Palestine:
Viewpoints from Humanitarian Workers

First Unitarian Universalist Church and Center
Wednesday September 22, 2010
Starr King Room
1187 Franklin Street (@ Geary Blvd)
San Francisco, CA 1187 Franklin Street (@ Geary Blvd)

$5-$10 Sliding Scale

All proceeds from the forum will benefit SHINE/CDRS in providing much-needed medical supplies, food, water, volunteers in Pakistan's flood-affected areas.


Bestselling author of Three Cups of Tea, Greg Mortenson’s outreach coordinator Sadia Ashraf will promote his latest book Stones into Schools and the importance of literacy for young women in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Ethan Casey is the author of two narrative travel books about Pakistan. Alive and Well in Pakistan: A Human Journey in a Dangerous Time (2004) has been called “magnificent.”

Just arriving back from Pakistan, Comprehensive Disaster Response Services (CDRS) Executive Director Todd Shea utilizes music and the media to build bridges of peace and understanding, as part of his efforts to draw global attention to the health care needs of the people of Pakistan.

Kathy Sheetz spent the last 12 years on grassroots and human rights organizing in Haiti. She was a passenger on the Free Gaza Aid Flotilla.

Contact: 415.355.0300/nancymancias@codepink.org / Facebook events: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/event.php?eid=153362444681106&ref=mf

Supported by: CODEPINK Women for Peace, Unitarian Universalists for Peace, American Muslim Voice, American Friends Service Committee Pacific Region, Global Exchange, Central Asia Institute and Council on Islamic Relations (CAIR) SF Bay Area

Added by CODEPINK-SF on August 31, 2010

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