200 Parkside Drive
Toronto, Ontario
April 10, 2011

High Park Stewards - Spring Clean-Up at In front of the Grenadier Cafe

May 22, 2011

High Park Stewards - Garlic Mustard Busters at In front of the Grenadier Cafe

June 12, 2011

Spring Restoration Planting in High Park at In front of the Grenadier Cafe

June 26, 2011

High Park Stewards Restoration Site Maintenance at In front of the Grenadier Cafe

July 10, 2011

High Park Invasive Species Removal at In front of the Grenadier Cafe

August 14, 2011

High Park Invasive Species Removal: Too Much Pink at In front of the Grenadier Cafe

August 28, 2011

High Park Stewards: Boulevard Bed Beautification at In front of the Grenadier Cafe

September 11, 2011

High Park Fall Restoration Planting at In front of the Grenadier Cafe