200 Parkside Drive
Toronto, Ontario

We have a number of restoration areas where work has been going on for a number of years, including the Sculpture Garden site, the All-Star site (where the prescribed burn was done in April and the return growth is fabulous) and The Tablelands (behind the Grenadier Restaurant).

Maintenance (aka weeding) is as important as planting and equally rewarding. You can almost feel the native plants applauding as they are freed from the stranglehold of invasives like horseweed and tall sweet white clover.

It is really amazing how a few people can make such a difference in one morning. The site where we will be working is still being determined by Urban Forestry, so we will meet in front of the Grenadier Restaurant at 10:30 and go from there.

Please bring water and wear a hat and clothing that covers your arms, legs and feet.

For more information, go to http://www.highparknature.org or contact stewards@highparknature.org.

Official Website: http://www.highparknature.org/wiki/wiki.php?n=VolunteerOpportunities.VolunteerStewardship

Added by cyberneticist on June 19, 2011

Interested 1