The Archives
Jackson Hall
July 24, 2007
Flash Brighton - Building an online portfolio
at The Greene Room (above The Cricketers)
November 13, 2007
Flash Brighton - Voting night
at Plug-in Media Offices
November 20, 2007
Flash Brighton - Adding a new dimension! A look at 3D using Maya
at The Greene Room (above The Cricketers)
December 4, 2007
FlashBrighton - Programming for Designers with Owen Bennett
at The Greene Room (above The Cricketers)
March 4, 2008
FlashBrighton: Flex 3 and AIR Launch Party!
at The Greene Room (above The Cricketers)
March 18, 2008
FlashBrighton: Arduino & WiiMote M’Wash Up
at The Greene Room (above The Cricketers)
August 21, 2008
Sandpit #6: Sandpit at the Lighthouse
at Lighthouse