The Archives
The Royal Institution
21 Albemarle Street
November 30, 2007
Machines that learn: Prof Christopher Bishop
at The Royal Institution
February 22, 2008
Solar variability and climate
at The Royal Institution
April 24, 2008
Flying green: making air travel more sustainable
at The Royal Institution
July 16, 2008
The science of beer
at The Royal Institution
August 30, 2008
Science Blogging (sciblog) 2008: London
at The Royal Institution
September 17, 2008
Greener by design
at The Royal Institution
January 12, 2009
The Fiction Lab
at The Royal Institution
April 7, 2009
RI: The science in Science Fiction
at The Royal Institution
April 20, 2009
Chamberlin Powell and Bon: The Architects Who Made London with Maxwell Hutchinson
at The Royal Institution
June 15, 2009
Cafe Scientifique: June Talking Point
at The Royal Institution
August 21, 2009
Science Online London
at The Royal Institution
September 16, 2009
Science reporting: is it good for you?
at The Royal Institution
November 12, 2009
CP Snow's 'Two cultures': 50 years of debate
at The Royal Institution
November 14, 2009
Great ideas behind the digital revolution: Professor Chris Bishop
at The Royal Institution
November 1, 2010
Where good ideas come from: Steven Johnson
at The Royal Institution