The Archives
K R Cama Oriental Institute
Dr Sir J J Modi Memorial Hall of the Institute, 136, Bombay Samachar Marg, Opp. Lion Gate, Fort
October 20, 2008
Lecture by Professor Andrzej Flis
at K R Cama Oriental Institute
January 16, 2009
National Seminar
at K R Cama Oriental Institute
February 20, 2009
Lecture and Power Point Presentations
at K R Cama Oriental Institute
February 24, 2009
Parsis in Hong Kong
at K R Cama Oriental Institute
March 6, 2009
The Lost River Saraswati A Scientific Investigation
at K R Cama Oriental Institute
May 28, 2009
Lecture - MK Gandhis Views on The Parsi Community
at K R Cama Oriental Institute