The Archives
Chowen lecture theatre, Brighton and Sussex Medical School
University of Sussex
May 6, 2008
Alcohol: a simple molecule with complex consequences for emotion and behaviour
at Chowen lecture theatre, Brighton and Sussex Medical School
November 18, 2008
"I think I might even make a film...": Francis Bacon; cinema, photography and fantasy.
at Chowen lecture theatre, Brighton and Sussex Medical School
November 25, 2008
at Chowen lecture theatre, Brighton and Sussex Medical School
February 26, 2009
Enterprise Thursday - Enterprising Engineers, chaired by Inuda Innovations
at Chowen lecture theatre, Brighton and Sussex Medical School
March 5, 2009
Enterprise Thursday - Tony and Judie Ellis, Founders of Conceptioneering
at Chowen lecture theatre, Brighton and Sussex Medical School
April 27, 2010
Making tea is not a piece of cake
at Chowen lecture theatre, Brighton and Sussex Medical School