The Archives
April 30, 2007
Refresh Seattle - Bridging the Designer and Developer Gap
at Ballard Public library
October 28, 2007
Cardboard Tube Fighting League Tournament
at Justin Herman Plaza
November 19, 2007
The Moon and Winter Stars: An Evening with the Stars
at Royal Observatory, Greenwich
January 15, 2008
Launchpad for Grown-ups...No kids allowed
at Dana Centre
January 15, 2008
Micro-composition: Are things nothing more than their smallest part?
at Birkbeck College
January 20, 2008
The Origins of the Koran and Secular Alternatives to Religion
at Conway Hall
January 22, 2008
Personality and Lucid Dreaming
at Goldsmiths College
January 25, 2008
Friday Late: One of a Kind
at Victoria and Albert Museum
January 25, 2008
January Late Night @ Natural History Museum: Shell Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition 2007
at Natural History Museum
January 29, 2008
Cancelled: Magical Beliefs and the Two Cerebral Hemispheres
at Goldsmiths College
February 9, 2008
Knife Skills Class
at Leiths
February 16, 2008
London Markets : Portobello Road
at All Bar One
March 16, 2008
From computers to ubiquitous computing, by 2020
at The Royal Society
March 18, 2008
Immodesty Tease
April 22, 2008
Infosecurity Europe
at none
July 5, 2008
Iron Maiden: Somewhere Back In Time World Tour 2008
at Twickenham Stadium