The Archives
park sungbum
November 21, 2007
Yahoo Korea IDEA Lunch 11.22
at Yahoo! Korea
December 13, 2007
[IDEA Lunch] 트레블베이 유양현 대표 - 12.13(목)
at Yahoo! Korea
January 9, 2008
[IDEA Lunch] Mashup Trend 2008
at Yahoo! Korea
February 13, 2008
[IDEA Lunch] Yahoo! Open ID
at Yahoo! Korea
March 20, 2008
[Refuel with IT] Outlook/Exchange 교육
at 10F sunnyvale room
June 4, 2008
[IDEA Lunch] 2008 Hack Day Review
at Yahoo! Korea
September 17, 2008
[IT Brownbag session] Web Conferencing (Adobe Connect) / Audio Conferencing (BT teleconference bridge)
at 10F sunnyvale room
October 29, 2008
[특집 IDEA Lunch] Y!OS 전략/기술 집중 해부
at Yahoo! Korea
November 26, 2008
[IDEA Lunch] Profile 3.0 and Vitality - 이해와 활용
at Yahoo! Korea
December 9, 2008
[IT Brownbag session] Protecting Your Computer from Viruses and Spyware
at Yahoo! Korea
December 10, 2008
[Open Week] OAuth로 개인정보 가져오기
at Yahoo! Korea