The Archives
Greek Orthodox Church
September 15, 2008
Florida Creatives Happy Hour #23
at crooked bayou
September 26, 2008
BlogOrlando 08
at Location TBA (Orlando)
November 5, 2008
Café Scientifique Orlando / "Tidal Modeling in the 21st Centrury" (omnibus)
at Stardust Video & Coffee
February 22, 2009
City of Orlando's 3rd Annual Blues-B-Q
at Orlando City Hall
June 24, 2010
Orlando Sketch Night
at Gallery at Avalon Island
October 14, 2010
Video SketchFest
at Gallery at Avalon Island
January 7, 2011
Bad Film Appreciation Society Meeting
at Urban Think
January 7, 2011
Bad Film Appreciation Society Meeting
at Urban Think
January 7, 2011
Bad Film Appreciation Society Meeting
at Urban Think
January 7, 2011
Bad Film Appreciation Society Meeting
at Urban Think
January 7, 2011
Bad Film Appreciation Society Meeting
at Urban Think
January 7, 2011
Bad Film Appreciation Society Meeting
at Urban Think