The Archives
October 28, 2007
Linux Day - Open Day
at Villa Ghirlanda
October 28, 2007
Incontro Telecom Italia - MIT
at Roma Eventi
November 5, 2007
Innovative Technologies in Sport
at World Forum Convention Centre
November 11, 2007
Building, Leading, and Sustaining the Innovative Organization
at Sloan Management School
November 19, 2007
Open source come modello di business
at Aula Rogers, Politecnico di Milano
November 29, 2007
Incontro Aspen Institute su Ricerca
at Principe di Savoia
December 6, 2007
L’ICT come motore di sviluppo del Paese
at Enea
January 15, 2008
Qualipso 2008
at Centro Congressi Cavour