This is your official invite to the Grand Opening ~Shamsi's Space~ in Baton Rouge. A place for Reiki and Intuitive Readings!
I'll be giving readings and reiki - first come first serve. We'll have hot tea (and probably chocolate :) as well as a brief "Connecting with your Angels" talk at 3PM
Readings and Reiki will be on a donation basis only, and if you can't afford to pay, then that's okay too :)
We'll also have a drawing for a couple of free readings and a free Reiki session with an Intuitive reading.
Later that evening BayouShimmy will host its 7 annual Winter Wonders Showcase and Shimmy for the Shelter Benefit at the University Presbyterian Church on Dalrymple 7-9 PM. There is a $10 donation at the door for the Battered Women's Shelter and kids 12 and under get in free. Even if you can't make it to my opening, we'd love to see you at the show.
In Service & Gratitude,
Official Website:
Added by shamsidances on December 4, 2009