Set in the early 1980’s, ZOOMAN AND THE SIGN is the heartfelt story of the Tate family after their 12 year-old daughter is tragically killed by Zooman, a petty criminal and gangbanger. The play unfolds as the Tate’s struggle to make sense of the tragic and untimely death of their daughter, and to find justice. Their neighbors refuse to come forward to identify the girl’s killer. Mr. Tate in his frustration posts an accusatory sign calling his neighbors cowards. The neighbors react with aggression. The play raises the questions of how young men like Zooman become so lost and alienated in our world that they kill without thought or conscience, and how we as a society can prevent youth violence. In addition, it urges us to look at how non-violent people respond to the epidemic violence as well as our own complacency and acceptance of murder within our current society.
Shows on Friday and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 3 p.m. - Language may not be suitable for young audiences - R rating
Added by Godskidisme on March 24, 2009