Zion's Camp is an annual Conference for Young Single Adults ages 18-30 of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Zion's Camp 2009 will be May 22nd-24th
The cost for Zion's Camp is $60 if you register before May 15th and $65 for registrations received after May 15th. Regristrations will not be available online after May 21st, but you can register at the door for $65.
Our Keynote Speaker will be John H Groberg!!Brother Groberg has recently been released as the Idaho Falls Temple President. He served his mission in Tonga, and his story was produced as a movie, titled "The Other Side of Heaven". We are very excited to hear from him!In addition to hearing from Brother Groberg, you will have the opportunity to experience Historic Kirtland! Enjoy guided tours through the Newel K Whitney store where you can sit in the School of the Prophets. Come see the saw mill and ashery and learn about how the early Saints worked to make a living. Tour the Church Visitor's Center and watch powerful movies about the Saints who lived in Kirtland. Hike to the rock quarry where stones where cut to build the Kirtland Temple. And, or course, take a tour of the temple!If this wasn't enough, we are also planning awesome activities for Friday night, incuding a Pig Roast, and Polynesian games in honor of Brother Groberg. On Saturday, Zion's Campers will enjoy exciting workshops, service projects, a message from our Keynote Speaker, and a DANCE to top off the night! Sunday starts out with the WONDERFUL opportunity to have Sacrament Meeting INSIDE the Kirtland Temple!You don't want to miss Zion's Camp 2009!
Organized by Kirtland Ohio YSA
Official Website: http://ysazionscamp-upcoming.eventbrite.com