The Ziatype is a modern alternative photographic process reminiscent of the 19th century Platinum process, though it is more user-friendly and cost-friendly than the Platinum process. Like the Platinum print, Ziatypes exhibit cold gray to warm brown hues. When Ziatypes are printed onto paper prepared with a salted gelatin sizing, commonly used in 19th century photography, the richness of tones and luminosity of highlights become more dramatic than what is possible with unsalted papers.
This is an intense two-day workshop in which participants will learn the process of making digital negatives for contact printing, proper materials handling and paper coating, and the exposure and processing of the Ziatype on salted gelatin paper.
This is a 2-day workshop. The second day is Sunday, October 3, from 10am-6pm.
Please visit our website at for more information.
Official Website:
Added by PhotoSynthesis on September 2, 2010