39 Rundle Street, Kent Town
Adelaide, South Australia

Zephyr Quartet


Inspired by the work of Acclaimed Australian Artist Nicole Ellis. Works by Harris, leaver, Bach, Haydn, Reich, Sculthorpe and the Penguin Cafe Orchestra.

Belinda Gehlert - Violin
Emily Tulloch - Violin
Anna Webb - Viola
Hilary Kleinig - Cello

3pm Sunday 16th July 2006
Greenaway Art Gallery
39 Rundle Street, Kent Town
$15, $10 family (2x2) $30
Bookings and enquiries 0402 059 257
or zephyr@zephyrquartet.com


Official Website: http://www.zephyrquartet.com/

Added by smange on June 29, 2006

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