Zenzi Burlesque hosts a variety showcase of Seattle's quirkiest...most
bizarre...and twisted talent. Come and witness the man who juggles live
rubber chickens! The one woman ten-in-one! And of course, the signing bear on a bicycle! Zenzi is also proud to feature...On the Double, The Savoy Swing Club and Tom Rooney of Ockham's Razor! This is a night not to be missed!
A percentage of our proceeds will be going to Lifelong AIDS Alliance. Help
us to support a wonderful organization! http://www.lifelongaidsalliance.org
Ockhams Razor
Zenzi Burlesque hosts a variety showcase of Seattle's quirkiest...most
bizarre...and twisted talent. Come and witness the man who juggles live
rubber chickens! The one woman ten-in-one! And of course, the signing bear on a bicycle! Zenzi is also proud to feature...On the Double, The Savoy Swing Club and Tom Rooney of Ockham's Razor! This is a night not to be missed!
A percentage of our proceeds will be going to Lifelong AIDS Alliance. Help
us to support a wonderful organization! http://www.lifelongaidsalliance.org
Show time: May 16th 7pm and 9:30pm
Columbia City Theater
Tickets at: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/60981