KIHNOUA: with special guests Zeena Parkins, Carla Kihlstedt and William Winant
Set 1: compositions for KIHNOUA by Larry Ochs:
Larry Ochs - saxophones
Dohee Lee - voice
Scott Amendola percussion and electronics
Zeena Parkins: el. harp
Set 2: improvisations for the ensemble, adding:
Carla Kihlstedt: violin, etc.
William Winant selected percussion
This group, a new one, just gets better with each show, and it will help immensely to have Zeena Parkins adding her musical sensibilities to the first set, not to mention Kihlstedt and Winant in set 2. A very special show!
Official Website:
Added by larrybob on November 28, 2007