Stanford University
stanford, California

The band Zazen, and their new side project fwap, is gearing up to bring rocking, symphonic soundscapes to the Bay Area. Core members, guitar virtuoso Joaquin Lievano and genius bassist Andy West, both multi-time Grammy nominees, will be performing in the Bay Area at three universities, UC Santa Cruz, UC Berkeley and Stanford.

Zazen has been acclaimed by critics and fans alike for producing exciting, riveting electrical compositions that are deeply moving, reflecting the likes of classical masters in their purity and strength of composition. fwap creates music dynamically, allowing the musicians to fully utilize their extensive experience in creative, real time compositions while retaining rhythmical patterns of musical cohesion.

For more about the Zazen fwap tour, go to WWW.ZAZENTOUR.COM

Official Website:

Added by Lightwaves on April 18, 2006

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