Friday, March 31: Zackie Achmat - ?Realizing Human Rights: Access to HIV/AIDS Medication and the Role of Civil Society in South Africa?
Introduction by John Comaroff, Harold H. Swift Distinguished Service Professor of Anthropology
Location: International House Assembly Hall
Time: 12:30 pm
presented in collaboration with Students for Global Public Health and the Human Rights Program
Zackie Achmat is a South African activist, most widely known as founder and chairman of Treatment Action Campaign. Treatment Action Campaign, or the TAC, was launched on 10 December 1998, International Human Rights Day, and has become the most well-known and successful AIDS activist group in South Africa. It focused initially on access to medicine for those who could not afford private health care by taking on government policies and brand-name pharmaceutical companies. After scoring major victories against both, it has broadened its outlook to improving all aspects of health care provision and particularly with the implementation of an anti-retroviral program in the public health sector.
Added by worldbfree on March 20, 2006