268 Herr Street
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17101

Likened to a cross between Bruce Springsteen and Stevie Wonder, up and coming performing artist Zach Maxwell and his band "Fiercely Playful Soul" will be rocking the Stage on Herr.

Joined by his amazing electric band and two stunning back up singers this show is for anybody who believes in the unexplainable power of live music.

Live @ The Stage on Herr
HMAC: Stage On Herr 268 Herr St HMAC 1110 North 3rd Street
Doors open at 7:00 PM

Click here for a Preview: http://www.zachmaxwellmusic.com/

Official Website: http://www.zachmaxwellmusic.com/live-shows/

Added by Absolutepitchpr on June 13, 2010