YUICONF 2009 is the premiere event for YUI developers from around the world to get up to speed on the latest YUI advancements and best practices (with a particular focus on the 3.0.0 release announced earlier today), get the scoop about the road ahead, and share tips and tricks with each other.
This year’s event will be held Oct 28-29 on Yahoo’s Sunnyvale campus and promises to host an all-star lineup of YUI authors, contributors, and developers leading highly technical sessions on YUI components and techniques as well as deep-dives into the API.
If you can’t join us this year, many sessions will appear on YUI Theater in the weeks following the conference, so stay tuned to YUIBlog for some good video content in November.
Some of the topics we have planned for this year’s event include:
* The YUI 3 roadmap
* Accessibility
* Debugging
* Contributing to YUI
* Building custom modules
* The widget infrastructure
* API deep dives
* … and much, much more!
Hope to see you there!
Official Website: http://yuilibrary.com/yuiconf2009/
Added by t_drake_net on October 28, 2009