1600 Holloway Ave
San Francisco Bay Area, California

Want to learn how to Chill & Smile, no matter what the circumstances are in College, Relationships, Family, Weather,Bank account, Work ? It's easy, and YOU CAN!!

The YES+ course was developed in response to the specific need for stress-relief and increased productivity and well-being for Individuals. Participant experiences and research shows that the course:
Increases Focus & Productivity
Enhances Leadership skills
Develops Confidence & Communication Skills
Powerfully decreases Stress (Lowers Cortisol Levels)
Increases Prolactin (Well-being Hormone)
More ease & joy in personal relationships
Is a TON of FUN

What will I learn in Course ?
Powerful Breathing Techniques for Stress-relief and Increased Focus
Tips to Improve Study/Concentration Skills
Techniques that Decrease Social Anxiety and Increase Leadership Ability
Yoga: Easily learned tension-releasing stretching exercises
Guided Meditations
Interactive processes & Natural principles of effective living
The Sudarshan Kriya - A powerful breathing technique that purifies and rejuvenates through the elimination of toxins at a deep cellular level
Lots of Fun & Games, and much more!

For more research information and medical information, visit: aolresearch.org

or visit Harvard's medical school coverage of Sudarshan Kriya: http://www.artoflivingyoga.org/files/Harvard.pdf

Register Online: bit.ly/udk0G
Contact the coordinator if you have any questions.

Official Website: http://artofliving.org/sf

Added by nims on October 7, 2009

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