Harry Sheetz will share his knowledge and wisdom on how to evolve to a
higher state of being, i.e., raise your consciousness. He will
incorporate within the series of weekly talks what the ancient scriptures and contemporary authors were and are attempting to tell us. This will include deeper metaphysical interpretations of the Bible, Quran, Torah, Bhagavad Gita, The Vedas, The Four Noble Truths from Buddha, The Secret Doctrine, and The Essene Gospels from the Dead Sea Scrolls. He will also include contemporary authors such as Bailey, Gibran, Wilber, Bach, Pink, Thurston, and others. Harry will
provide you with information on various meditation techniques, how to channel from spirit, advice on how to stay healthy and live longer, relationships and energy exchange, the death and dying process, the
Qabalah, prophets and myths, and the path to discipleship.
Some specifics of a couple of topics include:
The Soul:
Where is it?
How does it function?
Why do we have one?
Where does it go after we die?
What is its companion?
Do dreams have a purpose?
Does everyone dream? How often? How long?
Can we prove it? Types, creative and lucid dreaming.
Are dreams symbolic, useful, and why?
What is the relevance of waking/daydreams?
Where: Dance In The Light
When : Wednesdays, January 14 thru March 31st.
Time :10-12 noon
Cost : $25.00 per class
$90.00 package of 4 classes
$175.00 package of 8 classes
$250.00 package of 12 classes
Certificate awarded upon completion of the course.
Course taught by:Harry Sheetz is the author of, "What is life About?" "About the Soul" and "Love, Life and Living."
Dpl. M.E. & BSE Eng 1959 & 61, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pa.
M.S.S., National Spiritual Science Center, 1991, Washington, D.C.
M.A., Atlantic University, 2004, Virginia Beach, VA.
Reverend Sheetz was an aerospace engineer and executive. In 1991 he was ordained as a Minister of Spiritual Science after over four years of study and then taught in the seminary for five years. In 2004 he received a Masters in Transpersonal Studies. In 2006 he was certified as a Court Mediator in the state of Virginia. Harry is a certified Healer in Reiki, Spiritual Science, and Mari el healing techniques. He does spiritual readings, exorcisms, reflexology, and dousing for water and energy forms. Harry has studied Dream Interpretation, Hand Writing analysis, massage techniques, and other forms of energy exchanges. He currently resides in Vienna, Virginia and Palm Desert, California.
Official Website: http://www.dancinglightschool.org
Added by Dr. Debra Savitt on March 1, 2009