June 8, 2010 *6 PM Central
Do you ever feel like you are following all the right steps and still not achieving your weight loss goal? You have been methodical about ensuring that all aspects have been covered and your frustration level is beginning to grow. You exercise 6 days a week, you eat a healthy balanced diet with the right amount of calories and make sure that there are no underlying health conditions like a thyroid problem to throw you off. Unfortunately you still cannot get down to your desired weight.
What would you say if I told you that health, diet and exercise was not the problem? Would you believe me if I said that it was actually your debt or money problems that are causing your lack of weight loss? A study done for the Associated Press and AOL showed that stress from debt can increase your health problems. This includes increased insomnia, migraines and headaches, back pain, and ulcers – just to name a few! You can work as hard as you want when trying to be healthy, but if you are allowing the negative energy from your money to sabotage your health, it will be really hard to get to your goal.
So how do you give your workout the extra kick it needs by fixing your money? The following five steps will lead you to empowering your workout, and any other area of your life that is impacted by money.
Join us for this one hour teleclass to learn how get your money to start helping your workout in leading you to health.
Sign up today!
Official Website: http://www.smartstepomaha.com/money_workout
Added by SmartStep on March 15, 2010