Your purpose in life is not an assignment, it's your DREAM.
If you’ve come to realize that you really can be in charge of your life, this 4 hour experienced-based program might be just right for you. The Inner Peace Movement is a fun 10 week discovery program that offers meditation techniques, how to get prompt insights, set goals, work constructively with yourself and others, build your positive energy while finding your own clear voice.
May 25 – IPM Introductory program is offered at Unlimited Thought Life Enrichment Center: 5525 Blanco Road at Oblate Street in San Antonio. (210) 525-0693
Please arrive at registration by 12:40, the program goes from 1-5 PM. Pre-registration is $40 by advance registration by SUNDAY or $45 at the door. Seating is limited. Wait list after that. Nonprofit for over 45 years and run by trained volunteers.
Call to pre-register, leave a message if volunteers aren't in office 877-475-7792 to get a spot if you have an appetite for being in charge of your life and are ready to look within for practical answers.
Check our website to see if this is what you are interested in:
Helpful at any age, all stages of life, you're invited to learn more and see if it might be useful to you. We want to start 2-3 weekly groups to generate some amazing experiences and a more positive set of life experiences.
Inner Direction, Peace of Mind, Move Forward in Life - You are invited to develop a new awareness of your life.
Meet people from accross the world that are positive and have learned how to be in charge of their lives. Many people are on thier journey of self discovery. It can help a lot to learn some hints from those that have recently found out their own answers to better choices, and getting closer all the time to your goals.
Added by IPM Fun Events on May 21, 2009
IPM Fun Events
A great way to meet positive folks on Memorial Day.