The revenues California depends on to fund state services have experienced the largest loss since the great depression. This year the shortfall could be as large as $20 billion.
The Governor proposes significant cuts to our schools, health programs and human services. Specifically, he proposes to:
* Eliminate childcare and put thousands of small business childcare providers out of business, forcing working parents to quit their jobs
* Defund state programs that receive federal matching funds, effectively saying "No" to billions in federal safety net funds that are immediately spent in our economy
* Eliminate CalWORKS and the working pathways into the middle class it creates for those in poverty
* Reduce per pupil spending on K-12 education
Cuts of this magnitude could devastate our state, both in the present and the future.
Help balance the state's budget.
Next10 has setup an innovative Budget Challenge that mirrors the decisions the Legislature will have to make in the next few weeks. The simulation contains accurate figures for the state's current revenues and expenditures, the Governor's proposed cuts, and alternatives so that you can make your own choices.
At the end of the Challenge share your responses with the Legislature.
If you can't make the event, go to:
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on May 21, 2010