1515 Grand Central Ave,
Vienna, West Virginia 26105

A womans retreat centered on health, wellness and fitness

Your body, your oldest friend and steadiest companion.

April 4, 2009 Full Circle Yoga Studio in Vienna, WV
$125 per person, limit 20

Health, wellness and fitness all go together. Your body is the sacred vessel that allows you to do so much. We have gathered an amazing group of women together to help you enjoy and focus on that fact for a day or two.

We have organized a retreat that allows you to spend one day or two with these wonderfully inspiring women. On Saturday, April 4th we have a schedule of events planned to give you as much as we comfortably can. If you would like more time with one of the practitioners, you can schedule dedicated sessions on Sunday, April 5th. You will have the opportunity to do that on Saturday.

Saturday morning
7 am - 11:15 am

7 - 8 am Reception, registration, refreshment - sponsored by Dirtbean Ohana Cafe

8 - 8:30 am Guided meditation - focused on appreciation of the body and all that it does for us. Participants will be led into comfortable relaxation and then guided through different body functions for which we are grateful, taking the time to appreciate the ordinary miracle of our own body. This is the first step in reaching any goal that involves the body.

Practitioner - Amy Christine Elliott, Ph.D.
Doctorate, Clinical Hypnotherapy
Certifiedhypnotist with the prestigious organization, the National Guild of Hypnotists

8:30 - 9:30 am Gentle Yoga

Practitioner - Lori Tofaute
Certified in Bikram and Prenatal Yoga
Owner, Full Circle Yoga

9:30 - 9:45 am Break

9:45 - 10:45 am Small group sessions with the practitioners. You will spend 15 minutes with most practitioners in groups of 5. Details are below on each experience. You may schedule full sessions if desired on Sunday. Additional charges apply for Sunday scheduling.

10:45 - 11:15 am Releasing and setting intentions

Practitioner - Dr. Lori Lee
Doctor of Natural Health
Certified Traditional Naturopath
Blue Rose Holistics

11:15 - 12:45 pm Lunch on your own. Plenty of options within walking distance.

Saturday afternoon
12:45 pm - 5:00 pm

12:45 - 1:45 pm Using a personal trainer and setting realistic goals

Practitioner - Kristy Lanier
Professional triathlete and cyclist
Owner, DirtBean Ohana Cafe

1:45 - 2:00 pm Break

2:00 - 3:00 pm Nutrition

Practitioners - Dr. Lori Lee and Kristy Lanier

3:00 - 3:30 pm Restorative yoga, shoulders, hips and knees

Practitioner - Lori Tofaute

3:30 - 3:45 pm Break

3:45 - 4:30 pm Maintaining a positive attitude when losing fitness or missing goals
Is it possible to stay hopeful, connected to your creativity and optimal well-being even when it seems that your strategies have fallen short and youve failed to reach your goals? Dont believe everything you think! Dr. Linda Sandel Pettit, a spiritually-oriented life coach and psychologist will share Three Principles that, once understood, point toward the nature of the potential within you that exists before the creation of current experience. Learn how to stay in the now in a quiet mind and beautiful feeling so that you can access the power of wisdom and discover deeper motivation. For more information about Linda, see www.wisdomsources.com.

Practitioner - Dr. Linda Sandel Pettit

4:30 - 5:00 pm Closing meditation and intention Allowing beingness leaving in balance

Practitioner - Dr. Lori Lee

Details of small group sessions
from 9:45 - 10:45 am on Saturday

Hand Reflexology and natural health
$25 gift certificate and free all natural lip balm!
Visit with Dr. Lori Lee and receive a therapeutic and relaxing hand reflexology session. Pick up your $25 gift certificate good toward any holistic service at Blue Rose Holistics, LLC in lovely Ripley, WV. Sign up for Sunday services at a discounted rate. Make appointments or sign up for a variety of Workshops at BRH at reduced cost. Ask Dr. Lori dietary questions and receive 10% off any products purchased on site, PLUS a free all natural lip balm. Visit www.blueroseholistics.com for more information.

Under the guidance of Dr. Amy Christine Elliott, Ph.D., participants will again relax comfortably and then be led through a series of relationship scenarios with the body including trust, roles and clear versus mixed messages. We will recognize where we have not been in relationship with our body and begin to repair the relationship through acknowledgement of needs and promises of new ways of being. It is very likely that emotions will well up during this session. Participants will receive a $25 off a session with me. All in attendance receive ability to make appointment on first come first served basis on Sunday for only $30 - over 50% off. These offers cannot be used in combination with each other. Visit Amy's website at www.hypnotherapymov.com/index.htm

Lori Tofaute, Ower of Full Circle Yoga, will be discussing and explaining the benefits of a yoga practice. Topics to be included will be the basics of asanas (postures), pranayama (breath) and the importance of relaxation. She believes yoga can heal old injuries, help the body cure illness, and bring awareness and relationship to the higher self, creating a closer connection to ones true spirit.
She will guide participants through a gentle demonstration of yoga postures that stimulate specific body systems. She will explain the benefits of certain postures that encourage circulation and energy to areas of the body to promote healing and balance. There will be a handout and information to take home and a gift certificate for future yoga classes. Visit Lori's website at www.bikramyogawv.com/index.php

Personal Coaching
Pro-athlete, Kristy Lanier will guide you through a Body Mass Index assessment. BMI is a general guideline to assessing fat/obesity. In the 15 minute sessions we will determine the BMI of each person. I will also provide a short questionnaire to qualify peoples exercise goals and current activity level.
Questions asked?
Do you currently exercise?
Favorite form of exercise?
What are your exercise, health goals?
Would you like to try an event ex/ 5k run, mountain bike or road bike race, triathlon?
If you had a personal coach, what would this person help you with?
Would you like daily, weekly, biweekly contact with your coach?
Shewill give a $25 gift certificate to any services offered through DirtBean, including lodging, coaching, bikes, accessories etc. Kristy will be offering a mountain bike clinic on Sunday for all interested for an additional fee. What a great opportunity! Visit Kristy's website at www.dirtbean.com.

Friday evening Meet and Greet
Join us April 3, 2009 from 7 - 8 pm for a casual gathering. Meet the practitioners, register early if you like and just enjoy the amazing energy of those gathering to share with you.

How do I register?
You can register online by going here or by signing up at Full Circle Yoga. Fees will be charged for online registration. Payment due in full by March 27th.

This is an amazing deal
Do you know if you paid full price to spend this amount of time with the practitioners, you would be spending over $700 for the day! And many of them are giving gifts and discounts.

How do I get there?
1515 Grand Central Avenue
at the Garden Level
Vienna, WV 26105

We are located in the strip mall next to the Paradise Grill, across from the Japanese Fusions Restaurant. "Garden Level" is around the back of the building.

In order of appearance...

Dr. Amy Elliott

Lori Tofaute

Dr. Lori Lee

Pro triathlete Kristy Lanier

Dr. Linda Sandel Pettit

Who is in charge of this?

The Universe:) But this event is organized by Creative Crosswalks, LLC. If you have questions or comments, please contact Kim Broughton at


Organized by Creative Crosswalks LLC
Management consulting and event planning. Kimberly Jo Broughton kimberlyjoshi@gmail.com

Ticket Info:  Your body, your oldest friend and steadiest companion, $128.12

Official Website: http://steadiestcompanion-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 20, 2009

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