35 East 13th Street
New York City, New York

Called a “Political Trailblazer,” and “Pioneer,” by The New York Times, John is campaigning for the Public Advocate citywide position and will be a leader that is uncompromising, independent, and results driven. We need John to continue to represent our voice in New York confronting all issues of our city.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008 - 6:00PM-8:00PM
Location: 13; Address: 35 East 13th Street, off University Place

Broadway Star/$100 ♦ Main St. Supporter/$50 ♦ John Liu All Star/$25

Online contribution available @ www.liunewyork.com

Please RSVP via Andy Woo
Email: andy@liunewyork.com

Official Website: http://www.liunewyork.com

Added by bonnieduen on December 2, 2008

Interested 1