Young Muslim Archers
(Fall 2009)
Level 1: Five SessionsSeptember 27 & October 4, 11, 18, 252:00 - 3:30pm
Level 2: Five SessionsSeptember 27 & October 4, 11, 18, 2511:30am - 1pm
Makkah Learning Center814 Brandy Farms Lane, Gambrills, MD 21054
Here is your chance to participate in one of Nomad's most popular programs.The sport of archery is ideal for developing concentration, focus, patience, and perseverance. It is a sport enjoyed by all ages and abilities.
Level 1:
Participants learn the history of archery, bow and arrow safety, marksmanship, bow mechanics, and arrow flight.
Level 2:
Participants continue development of skills in Level 1 and progress to further shooting distances and arrow making. (Prerequisite: Level 1)
Males & Females ages 10 - 16 may register
Space is limited. Register Today!(No on-site registration available)
Note:Signedwaiver formsare requiredandmust be submitted the first day of class.
Visit us at www.nomadcamps.com
admin@nomadcamps.comphone: 443-458-0921
Organized by NOMAD CAMPSThe leaders in outdoor programs for Muslim youth
Ticket Info: - Archery (Level 1), $51.25
- Archery (Level 2), $46.12
Official Website: http://youngarchers2-upcoming.eventbrite.com