211-215 East 49th Street
New York, New York

Young Architects in Spain: A Window to the Unknown is an exhibit featuring a selection of projects by young architects of Spain. The exhibit takes place at Instituto Cervantes New York, 211 E 49th Street, NYC, from September 5-18, 2012. Gallery hours are as follows: Monday through Friday from 9am to 8.30pm and Saturday from 9am to 2:30pm. Entry to the exhibit is free but RSVP is recommended to attend on September 5.

The exhibit begins on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 at 6:30pm with an introduction by Javier Rioyo, Instituto Cervantes Director; welcome remarks by Juan Ramón Martínez Salazar, General Consul of Spain; and opening remarks by the Spanish architect Alberto Campo Baeza. Also participating: Rick Bell, Executive Director of the American Institute of Architects New York Chapter and Eva Franch i Gilabert, Director of Storefront for Art and Architecture in New York. Exhibition Curator Jesús Aparicio and Exhibition Associate Curator and designer Jesús Donaire.

In addition, a symposium will be held from 6:30pm to 8:30pm on Thursday, September 6, 2012 at The Great Hall of The Cooper Union, 7 E. 7th Street, NYC, which will draw together participants from the exhibition as well as young American architects to discuss a new generation of professionals and the future of Spanish architecture. The symposium will include welcome remarks by Juan Ramón Martínez Salazar, General Consul of Spain; and opening remarks by the Spanish architect Alberto Campo Baeza. Participants include Spanish architects María Hurtado de Mendoza from Estudio Entresitio, Héctor Fernández Elorza, and Alberto Peñín from Peñín Arquitectos, as well as Kenneth Frampton, Ware Professor of Architecture, GSAPP-Columbia University; Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa, Cooper Union; and Urtzi Grau and Cristina Goberna, Fake Industries Architectural Agonism.
The exhibition shows that architectural excellence is found not only in the work of internationally renowned Spanish maestros, but also in the unknown work carried out in the studios of a new generation of professionals, which ensures a promising future for Spanish architecture.

The works were selected by means of a public competition open to all young Spanish architects. The more than 700 projects underwent an individual selection process by the members of an international jury composed of prestigious architects such as Alberto Campo Baeza and Manuel Blanco and the architecture critics Kenneth Frampton and Juhani Pallasma. Sixty-two architecture offices (104 people under the age of 40) were chosen. The exhibition presents a variety of extraordinary works, rigorously constructed and deeply sensitive to their cultural or natural environment.

Jesús María Aparicio Guisado, Curator
Jesús Donaire Garcia de la Mora, Associate Curator and Designer

An electronic copy of the exhibition catalog can be viewed at http://issuu.com/spainartsculture/docs/yas-young-architects-of-spain?viewMode=presentation.

Official Website: http://nyork.cervantes.es/

Added by emilymt2011 on August 29, 2012