211 East 83rd Street
New York, New York 10028

Our Young Adult Mass draws a good crowd of young professionals. Join us on Saturday March 13th for the Young Adult Mass at 5:30pm at:

Church of St. Elizabeth of Hungary
211 East 83rd Street
(Between 2nd / 3rd Avenue)
New York, NY 10028

Take the 4,5 or 6 train to 86th Street Station.

Following the mass, meet the group in the lower church for the social and dinner. Dinner and beverage will be provided, and we ask for a $10 donation.

Our guest speaker will be Joel Baclit and he will talk about an "Introduction to Catholic Apologetics: Explaining & Defending the Faith." This is a good topic for those wishing to learn more about their faith, and what it means to be Catholic.

Contact Toan B. Chu of The Catholic Fellowship (http://www.cfnetwork.org) at catholicfellowship@ymail.com or at 917.653.2140 with any questions.

Official Website: http://www.cfnetwork.org

Added by CFNYC on February 20, 2010

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