Corner of Prince Street / Mott Street
New York, New York 10012

Please join the members of The Catholic Fellowship of NYC for a special Young Adult Mass on the Third Saturday of February (February 21st) at 5:30pm at St. Patrick's Old Cathedral, which is located on the corner of Mott St. / Prince St.

Following the mass, mingle with other members and parishioners during a reception held in the foyer of the church. Afterwards, enjoy a mini-version of "Catholic Underground" with Christian Rock music performed by a very own member of our group.

Mass: 5:30pm to 6:15pm
Reception: 6:15pm to 7pm
Rock Concert: 7pm to 8pm

After the concert, we will be heading to a nearby establishment for drinks.

Official Website:

Added by CFNYC on February 16, 2009

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