708 East Broad
Richmond, Virginia 23219

Local indie rock musicians Young Adult Fiction have their debut performance at The National with their friends Basmati, The Dirty Kicks, Fashion Bath and Teen Dream on Friday, February 11! Tickets are available on The National's website as well as pre-sale by e-mailing timkomo@vcu.edu

Young Adult Fiction -

Formed over a year ago in a dingy dorm room, Young Adult Fiction has come along way since their infamous first show at "Costas Cave". YAF is the lovechild of pop guitarist Ben Harsel and the experimental sounds of Joesph Paulk. Add the distinctive, sloppy signature percussion's of Drummer Matt Timko, and the thumping rhythms of Zach Hanson's bass and you have yours truly: Young Adult Fiction, Classic American Indie Rock.

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=195860960429237

Added by Sara M on January 25, 2011

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