Why some book covers work while others fail, and how they help you sell more books. Joel Friedlander, popular blogger, publisher and book designer, will walk us through the principles behind good cover design, then look at lots of sample covers that show what to do and what not to do. We will look at the principles behind good cover design, then look at lots of sample covers that show what to do and what not to do. Through sample print and ebook covers attendees will also learn the adjustments you need to make to produce effective covers in both formats.
This meeting is a must for publishers in print and e-pub formats.
Joel is the author of A Self-Publisher's Companion that introduces authors to the new world of self-publishing and book marketing.
Contact Joel Friedlander at Marin Bookworks, 415-460-1959 or by email at jfbookman@gmail.com
His website contains a wealth of information for independent publishers: http://www.thebookdesigner.com
There will be time for Q&A, networking and book sales by BAIPA members. Guests are welcome.
To register and for more details, go to www.baipa.org
Official Website: http://www.baipa.org
Added by FullCalendar on October 17, 2012