This summer teenagers from the KIPP Austin Alumni program have been working on a film series, generously hosted by Space12 ( at 3121 East 12th St. The final event of the summer will be on Wednesday, August 19th at 7:00 pm.
Partnering with Alex Gilliam of Public Workshop ( they will screen two incredible films by teenagers and designers from the Center For Urban Pedagogy (CUP) in New York City. CUP( uses film making as a creative mechanism for education and engagement in important community issues.
This is a particularly critical issue at the moment in Austin because of the impending work on the Comprehensive Plan. While the issue of youth involvement in this process is a hot topic, the manner in which we involve them should be examined as well. CUP's films are great examples of alternative ways that young people, designers or anybody can engage with and have an impact on the design of our cities, and neighborhoods.
After viewing these films there will be a brief presentation and then a brainstorming session about how to Make Austin Weirder. Are there new Austin-appropriate ways that we can all, especially our youth, better participate in the shaping of Austin’s great future? How can you Make Austin Weirder?
Other questions about the evening?
Mosey on over to:
Official Website:
Added by salvo cheque on August 18, 2009