7455 Erie St.
Sylvania, Ohio 43560

When you come to Women’s Connection West next luncheon, discover why "You Are PRICELESS”.

Many times our mood will change after we have made a new purchase. But, true happiness comes more often from spending on others. Our feature and Special Speaker, Nancy Williams of New Bremen, OH, showcases her exclusive items and explains how "You Are Priceless."

Reservations are suggested for all our programs and complimentary childcare. Please call Jeannine at 419-841-9653 by Monday, March 5.

Women’s Connection West is affiliated with Stonecroft Ministries, a non-denominational organization based in Kansas City, MO. No membership or dues are required and all women in the area are cordially invited to attend our events, held every 2nd Friday of the month.

Added by JPereus on February 24, 2012