The International Association for Human Values (IAHV) presents "IAHV Yogathon 2009" – a unique experience bringing together 5,000 people for a one day event that focuses on yoga, meditation, and breathing techniques July 5th, 2009 at the Hilton Chicago, 720 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago Illinois.IAHV. The event will bring together 5,000 people for a one-day event that focuses on yoga, meditation, and breathing techniques. The innovative Youth Empowerment Seminar ( and Project Welcome Home Troops programs ( are providing a much needed service to Chicagoland's teens and veterans.
Thousands of veterans never received the help they needed to mend the scars of war. Hundreds of thousands are now returning from another conflict. The sooner their stress can be released, the sooner life can improve for themselves and their families. The Warrior Breath Workshop rapidly improves psychological and physiological symptoms of post traumatic stress, including insomnia, nightmares, anxiety, depression, hyper-arousal, over-reactivity to triggers, re-experiencing, emotional numbing, social withdrawal, loss of appetite and angry outbursts. (Dr. P. Gerbarg, Assistant-Professor, Clijnical Psychiatry, New York Medical College)
We understand the importance of educating our youth in the language of English, the language of mathematics, the language of science. Yet somehow we have overlooked the language of human values. Perhaps this is the missing link of today’s educational system. Compassion, caring, respect, gratitude, friendliness, honesty, integrity, enthusiasm, commitment, and responsibility are a few examples. These human values, which are inherently built into each of us, are overshadowed by the stress in our lives. Neither at home nor at school are young people taught how to handle their negative emotions. The Youth Empowerment Seminar (YES!) answers the need of today’s schools by attending to the stress in young people and giving them specific tools to take responsibility for the direction of their own lives.
We recognize your commitment to community development and would be grateful if you helped in supporting the event. Opportunities for your participation include:
• Set up a table to inform your shoppers about the Yogathon event
• Yogathon event advertised in your website/newsletter
• Donation of your products and services
• Distributing event flyers to your customers
The International Association for Human Values is a volunteer based 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting fundamental human values through education, communication and other outreach programs. It is certified as one of the Independent Charities of America’s Best Charities. IAHV has a special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
Official Website:
Added by Yogathon Chicago on April 24, 2009