37 Forbes Road
Braintree, Massachusetts 02184

The word "yoga" comes from Sanskrit, the ancient language of India. Derived from the verbal root yuj, yoga fundamentally means "union", "to yoke", a "joining together". The learning of the philosophy of yoga allows you to experience the release of emotional tension from your body, increase awareness of what is happening in your body and mind and a heightened awareness of what is going on in your body. Yoga is EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING of a philosophy of life - following several basic principles (non-harming, truthfulness, discipline - see my web site under Yoga Information/Yoga Philosophy/Yamas and Niyamas). It is to awaken the "witness consciousness" - the part of you that can step back and observe what your brain is doing, what is happening for you - dispassionately, so you can better understand yourself.

In this fascinating workshop, Rev. Jill Jardine, M.A., E-RYT will present the Sutras of Patanjali - ancient sage from India, the Eight Fold Path, Yoga Dieties, Ancient Texts and powerful mantras that rejuvenate the brain and body.

To register - contact Maureen Spencer, RN at yogareikisound@yahoo.com or call 781 878-0115

Official Website: http://certificationinyoga.com

Added by Findingpeace on October 13, 2009

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