10915 Lemond Rd.
Lemont, Illinois 60439

Swami Mukundananda, a renowned saint from India, is to organize a week-long Yoga Sessions with Series of Lectures elucidating ‘The Science of the Soul & God-Realization’ in eleven cities across the US; one of which will be organized at The Hindu Temple of Chicago, 10915, Lemont Rd., Lemont, IL 60439.

Fore More Information, please visit: http://www.JKYog-Chiago-IL.eventbrite.com

• Address: The Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago, 10915, Lemont Rd., Lemont, IL 60439.

• Timings: Sunday and Saturday (11th and 12th July): 11:00-12:00 Hrs, Yog Sessions. 12:00-13:30 Hrs, Spiritual Discourses on ‘The Science of the Soul, Path to Self-Realization and God Realization’.

Monday-Friday (13th to 17th June): 18:00-19:00 Hrs, Yog Sessions. 19:00-20:30 Hrs, Spiritual Discourses on ‘The Science of the Soul, Path to Self Realization and God Realization'.

• Contact: L Bhima Reddy- (630) 972-0300 and Shreya Bhat- (972) 527-6195.

• E-mail: secretary@JKYog.org;

•Web-site: The Admission to the event is totally free, please registration online at: http://www.JKYOG.org/events_chicago.html

For further information as to Swamiji’s US Tour itinerary and preaching please visit: http://www.JKYOG.org

We invite you and your friends & relatives to this Truly Revolutionary Yog Event conducted by Swami Mukundananda as a part of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj's Mission to spread Yoga Consciousness across the Universe.


• Yoga Meaning & Purpose: Ancient Vedic Scriptures define Yoga (actually Yog) as Union between the individual soul (jīvātmā) and the Cosmic Being (Paramātmā). Yoga is a science revealed by God Himself known as the Vedas. The Yoga is actually more than just Asansas and Pranayam…these two are very fledgling stages of Yoga. Unfortunately the present yoga fails to go beyond the Asanas and Pranayams… Yoga Practice Authentically begins with Yama and Niyama (sensory and habitual abstinence for deeper purification of mind), but most of the yoga schools start right away with Asanas and Pranayam.

• Physical, Psychological, Parapsychological and Spiritual Benefits of Yoga: while the Asanas and Pranayam can, to an extent, help us maintain a fit body and a healthy mind, they fail to address our finer components such as habits, tendencies, desires etc. As these finer components remain unattended, our innate diseases such as lust, anger, pride, jealousy, passion etc. fail to be healed, resulting in depression and number of other psychological and other diseases. Jagadguru Kripalu Yog elucidates practical means to tackle our innate diseases sown deep within our mind.

While there have been multiple schools of Yoga around the world, there is not only a confusion as to which one is complete but there also hovers a doubt in one’s mind as to which one is adoptable to his/her life-style.

Jagadguru Kripaluji Maharaj, the Pioneer of JKY suggests that Yoga be:

• Authentic: Corresponding to the Vedic Texts and not merely a new-age modification.

• Absolute: The Yoga practiced should be absolute in nature. It should meet its definition of uniting the individual soul with the Supreme Soul.

• Comprehensive: Yoga should be wholesome in nature. A human personality is made up of five layers. Physical body, vital-air plexus, desires, contemplations, intelligence, mind, ego and of course, the soul. However, the Vedas Real that we are not these layers, we are soul. The True Yoga, corresponding to the Scriptures addresses and heals all these finer components of being, and not just physical body or mind. Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj has revealed this unique JKYog Techniques through Simplified and Wholesome exercises such as SBR, Creative-Meditation, Di-Vibe Asanas and Pranayam which are comprehensive in nature.

• Simple & Practicable: In to-day’s ever changing world, the general mass has no time for Esoteric and Idealistic Yogic Techniques. But Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj has elucidated (so to speak) those Esoteric Yoga Doctrines in a way the layperson can understand it fully and practice it in its daily life.

Jagadguru Kripalu Yog (JKY) is a set of Composite Yoga Techniques based on the revelations of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj. JKY conglomerates all the ancient schools of Yoga such as Ashtang Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Dhyan Yoga etc. into various physical, breathing, psychic and consciousness-related exercises such as Subtle Body Relaxation (S.B.R.), Creative Meditation (Rup Dhyan), Divine-Vibration Asanas and Pranayam, Dietary Guidance to nurture the soul and also an in-depth analytical series-of-Lectures on ‘The Science of the Soul, Path to Self-Realization and God Realization’.

This Composite set of simple exercises, designed by synthesizing all the ancient Yoga systems such as Ashtang yoga, Dhyan yoga, Samkhya Yoga etc. correspond to all the finer components of a human being, recharging and rejuvenating the body, mind, intellect and the Soul.

Jagadguru Kripaluji Maharaj suggests that merely a fit body cannot offer a healthy state of mind and a healthy state of mind cannot prevent innate diseases of human consciousness such as death and rebirth. While the body mechanism primarily functions through vitamins, proteins (acids and chemicals), the mental system is based on thoughts, desires, karmas, intentions, intelligence, instincts and much more complex and subtle codes of parapsychology.

• The Science of the Soul: As stated earlier, the human personality is composed of various components. They are called the Panch-Kosh, or Five Sheaths over the soul. The first one is the layer of our physical body, second, layer of ten kinds of breaths within our body and the seven kinds of chakra; the third layer over Atma is that of our desires and thoughts; the fourth layer is that of the information that we might have gathered over our past innumerable births, our tendencies and biases based on such information. The much talked about Kundalini also is covered within this layer of Vigyanmaya kosh. And finally the fifth layer is that our very instinct to always hunt for material sense-gratification. Our actual Identity is dumped way under these five sheaths.

• Offering Perpetual Solution through the Self Realization: The root-cause to all the problems of our lives is due to our oblivion to our real identity. When a soul identifies itself with body, mind, qualifications, its social image, its desires etc., it tends restricts itself to the limit of its identifications. This clips its wings of its real nature and abilities.

• Nature of Material Pleasure and Spiritual Bliss: Being part and parcel of the Supreme Being, a soul naturally hankers after bliss. But nature of material-pleasure is both, limited and diminishing, whereas the soul is eternal. So, after a point in time, the soul stops deriving any pleasure from the desired object, resulting in dejection and depression and/or anger.

• God Realization: Swami Mukundananda the Founder of JKY, through deep Science of Vedic Wisdom, teaches a soul how to identify its real abilities and unlock the treasure within. The Vedas Reveal that the Spiritual Bliss is not only unlimited but is also ever increasing; and this corresponds to the nature of soul also. So, the only way out is to know our Hidden Identity and means to achieve the pure consciousness. To make the mass achieve that is what has been the main endeavor of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj and His disciple, Swami Mukundananda.

[N.B. - Jagadguru Kripalu Yog (JKY) is Altogether a Unique Yoga Consciousness Movement, based on the Teachings of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj. Please do not mistake ‘Jagadguru Kripalu Yog’ for ‘Kripalu Yoga’.]

Thank You for your time.

Official Website: http://www.JKYog.org/events_chicago.html

Added by NS Dās on June 27, 2009

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